Your Brain at Work

The Connection Conundrum Ft. Khalil Smith (Akamai Technologies)

Episode Summary

In the three years since flexible work has transformed from emergency mode to a mainstream way of working, it’s encountered no shortage of unique challenges and opportunities along the way. Among those challenges? Intentionally building and maintaining workplace culture — shared everyday habits — in a setting so often mediated by digital distance. Research indicates that a sense of connectedness (something many employees say they aren't getting) is one of the primary levers for employee engagement and retention. It’s what has some leaders believing that returning to office will alleviate the "connection crisis". Yet, a staggering number of employees say they'll exit if forced back into the office. On this episode of Your Brain at Work Live, we'll welcome Khalil Smith (Akamai Technologies) and Dr. David Rock to explore this complicated conflict — and point to evidence-based practices for closing the connection gap without forcing a return to office.